
Wednesday 21 July 2010

Your dressing style is showing your personality

Your clothes are not only some visual design. Others can find out what kind of person you are, what are your beliefs, even religion and if you are gentle, caring, sensitive or straight and selfish, controlling yourself person.

You can find out the person’s character and personality by looking at clothes colours and clothes style.

Recognising person’s personality by looking at clothes colours

- If a person who’s personality you would like to find out is wearing white and bright colours but not flashy colours it means that person is very reasonable, calm and caring person who does not like doing anything for public (to show off and shine)

- If the person is wearing flashy colours it means that she/he wants to show off and be in the centre. This is not best feature as the person is directing himself thinking how others will see him, not if moves are good and not hurting for others. This kind of person won’t make a good wife or husband as it will put showing off above other important things like having family, staying at home with family and doing not always clean, beautiful and fancy things.

- If the person is always wearing black colour clothes, it means that he/she is a person, who likes keeping their memories for long time and does not want to move to the future. The past will always determine her/his actions.


If person whose character you would like to find out is wearing special type of clothes because of job purposes, you can not read from his/her clothes style any features. The clothes style is not her/his clothing style but it is just something what she/he has to follow blindly.

Clothes style

If the person is always wearing black colour smart clothes, not because of job, it means that he likes to have everything tidy and in order but also that sometimes he/she wants to be to perfect and he/she will give to much of himself/herself.

If the person is wearing always scruffy clothes it means that the person is scruffy, messy and it can be also type of a big baby or loner but it could be also very talented person who is not thinking about these kind of small things and do not care about other’s opinion as he knows that it is above others with his own world.


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