
Friday 23 July 2010

Fashion and style tips for slim, skinny and athletic men

Maybe you think that men with small sizes do not have any difficulties in getting right clothes for them. They have as much difficulty as other men, if actually no more as their body shape is very sharp.The great news for slim, skinny or athletic build are that at the moment it is very popular to get at the same price custom menswear online, if you will order them from the shop where clothes are produced by it, not bought from other seller. Apart of that clothes market has grown substantially and we have much more variety in fabric, colours and cuts across which you can easy find something for yourself. Although it may be easier then a few decades before to get ideal clothes for you, there are a few tips which will help you to do your best choices.

Style and Fit

It is invaluable to know general information when you are choosing which clothes you should pick up and pass on, when you are in gentleman’s process.

You will do well while considering flat-front dress trousers and casual trousers. This cut will be trimmer in the waist and seat so it won’t look rumpled and sloppy.

While wearing men’s shirts consider only those good qualities. If they will be slightly too large choose only those which are marginally too large. The same rule goes for purchase a suit of clothes.

You should definitely avoid skinny jeans. They are stylish only in certain subcultures but certainly not amongst mainstream. You should never ever consider them as a part of your serious clothing.

Assuming, it is very important for a slimmer men to choose fitting clothes and purchase only those that really so fit instead of buying standard-fit men’s shirts that balloon you or trousers that could house 2 legs instead of one. Remember that you should make an advantage of being slim

It is most important that slimmer men pay attention to fit, and purchase clothes that truly do fit instead of purchasing standard-fit shirts that balloon outward, or pants that could house two legs in one. Remember that it is in your advantage to be slim and you should make it your advantage and expose it nicely.


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